Four Morning Multi-Age Class
This multi-age class will meet the needs of students ages 3 to 5. This class will meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Curriculum goals for all children include:
- Developing fine muscle strength by cutting with scissors
- Holding crayons and pencils in writing position – “thumbs down”
- Practicing rules for good health by eating nutritional food, washing hands after toileting and before eating, and covering mouth/nose while coughing/sneezing
- Recognizing their own name when written
- Taking turns speaking and listening in a group setting
- Focusing and sitting still to listen and/or participate in story time or activity
- Sharing, taking turns, and cooperatively playing with other children
- Talking about their own feelings and identifying the feelings of happy, sad, angry, tired, hungry, silly, and out of control
In addition, children will also practice…
- Using a pencil or crayon with the proper grip
- Sorting groups of objects in more than one way/patterning
- Being able to identify their own address with the street and town when asked
- Predicting what may happen next in a story, in their daily routine, etc.
- Sharing, taking turns, and working cooperatively with a group
- Following multistep detailed directions
- Staying focused on a specific task for 10-15 minutes