This class is developmentally appropriate for children 3 to 4 years old and meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Curriculum goals for children include:
- Developing fine muscle strength by cutting with scissors
- Holding crayons and pencils in writing position – “thumbs down”
- Practicing rules for good health by eating nutritional food, washing hands after toileting and before eating, and covering mouth/nose while coughing/sneezing
- Recognizing their own name when written
- Taking turns speaking and listening in a group setting
- Focusing and sitting still to listen and/or participate in story time or activity
- Sharing, taking turns, and cooperatively playing with other children
- Talking about their own feelings and identifying the feelings of happy, sad, angry, tired, hungry, silly, and out of control
This class will also touch on the program goals for the Pre-K class.